Sunday, 17 April 2016

Things You MUST know as a Management Student!!

Generally, I have seen and observed that MBA aspirants whenever appearing for any counseling or GD/PI sessions are concerned (would ask query) about the placements of the b school which is fair but the job is incomplete. Besides placement there are other factors that are equally important from the student’s point of view which generally is lacking during the interactions. Moreover, MBA is all about learning the skills that are needed to grow any business or idea to its heights not a job consultant which/who will guarantee job placements. Placement is a secondary important aspect. I have compiled all the necessary information from various past research publications that a student should seek in order to assess any b schools across NCR or within the country.

Placement Activities done by the b school
Past Placement Records of the b school
Sectors in which placement has been done
Companies those recruited the students
Job opportunities generated per student
Industrial Visit organized by the b school
Seminar conducted by the b school
Event & Competition organized by b school
Tour & Picnic arranged by the b school
Sports activities done by the b school
Cultural Activities organized by b school
Hostel Facility provided by b school
Size of Campus
Library facility
Computer lab facility
Areas for self study (Reading Room)
Use of Technology (Projector, Printer Etc.)
Suggestion from the friends
Suggestion from the family
Opportunity for part time work
Self motivation of the student
Financial background of the family
Support from the financial institute
Siblings studied in the past
Boyfriend or girlfriend studying in b school
Career goal of the student
Social status of the parents
Friend circle
Word of mouth
Experience of the faculty
Popularity of the faculty
Knowledge Diversity of faculty
Education Background of faculty
Admission process of the b school
Reputation of the b school
Racial harmony in the b school
Entrance test of the b school
Guidance from the counselor
Desire for the good recognition of student
Link with the industries of the b school
Social life on the campus
Cultural knowledge and values of student
Safety on the campus
Study atmosphere around b school
Reservation quota of the b school

            For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
         Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445 

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