Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Questions to be asked during Interview.

When preparing for the MBA admissions interview, business school applicants often focus on preparing responses to a list of questions they expect from the interviewer, including the unexpected curve balls. However, in many cases, the questions that the MBA candidate asks—typically toward the end of the interview—are equally important and can often be the difference makers that lead to an acceptance letter.  It's a chance for candidates show that, they have made the effort to dig a little deeper, that they care and have a genuine interest in the program and faculty research.

Many B-Schools encourage students to develop a natural relationship with faculty. Therefore, when a  candidate asks about the facilities such as the library, student center, and academic buildings, it leaves a good impression before the interviewers. It provided insight into what the candidate was thinking and what is important to him or her about an MBA education. The key to the questions is quality, not quantity; here are five questions that every candidate should ask:
1. Ask a question based on something you read in a brochure or on the school website
2. Ask the interviewer why he or she decided to become part of the respective school
3. Ask the interviewer about the school or program's greatest asset
4. Ask how the interviewer would describe the school
5. Ask the interviewer what advice he or she would offer

         For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
          Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445

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