Monday, 18 April 2016

Exploring your startup instincts.
The startup culture in the world has grown rapidly in the last few years. A startup is a young enterprise that is just beginning to develop. Startups are usually small and initially operated and financed by a handful of founders or it can be run by one individual. These companies produce a product or service that is not currently being offered elsewhere in the market, or they can modify the product or service in such a manner that suits the consumer more than the existing one.
So, an important question that every wannabe entrepreneur asks: what are the factors that accelerate the startup motivation? This simple question is however, very difficult to answer. And those who manage to answer this are definitely on the right path. Thus to awaken and/or strengthen the startup instincts one could consider the following points.
·        Starts only if one is truly passionate about his or her venture. Initial excitement may be great but soon it will run out of fuel. This can happen only when one is not very passionate about his or her ideas or plans. Passion is the only fuel that will take one through all the tough periods that one may face.
·        Identify an action step that is needed immediately to kick-start the chosen plans. It is natural to feel unsure about taking the first step. But the experience learning from the first step can help to step farther.
·        Worrying too much about the negative outcomes stresses mind and diminishes the productivity, which in turn reduces the capacity to trust one’s own instincts. We have controls over our own actions but not on the ultimate results. Therefore, a sudden shock can deviates one’s motivation from its initial track. Thus, learning from errors and through developing skills one can definitely tackle down the problems and reach to his desired path.
   For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
   Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445 

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