Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Choosing the Right PGDM College in Delhi

Given the number of MBA & PGDM colleges in Delhi, choosing the right college for business studies seems an uphill task. This is the time when one has to be more alert rather than being worried. Worrying for the right college is natural & up to a certain point it is healthy also. Let nothing depress you while your hunt for the best PGDM College.

Primary objective of joining any B-School is getting the best placement at the end of the course. No doubt few students undertake PGDM courses to sharpen their entrepreneurial skills, willing to start their own set-up or join their family business. Before selecting the right B-School one should analyze & review the list of colleges they aspire for.

With increasing number of PGDM Colleges in India, student should first focus on the location of the B-School. Aspirant should be clear whether he wants to move to different city or state to pursue his PGDM course or shall stay in his own city & choose the best PGDM College. Once the location filter is applied, list of available colleges get shortened.

Placement plays a very important role while your search for the best PGDM College. One should always check the profile of companies visiting colleges & verify it with alumni & also speak with the on-going batch. While looking for the best placement college, student should not be completely dependent on the institute to get the placement but should constantly strive for his/her personal grooming to fit into corporate environment.

Since the ultimate objective is to get into a reputed corporate, student should mandatorily check Institute industry Interface. This refers to industry exposure while pursuing PGDM Course. This Industry interface enables students to explore practicalities of the corporate world thus preparing them ready to work right after their management course. Regular exposure to industry visits certainly helps student to widen his knowledge & adds to the learning.

Once the placement & Institute industry Interface is taken into consideration student should compulsorily take a look at the faculty profile.  It is easily available at any MBA College’s website. One should go for a campus tour to a selected PGDM Colleges, interact with faculty. During campus tour take a look at the infrastructure of the college. Infrastructure of any management college primarily includes its library with well equipped magazines, journals of national & international repute, books, computer labs, discussion rooms, seminar halls & canteen, the quality of food served. Most importantly if you are moving to different city do take a look at hostel, kind of facilities available wi-fi & the overall upkeep. Speaking to the hostlers would certainly cut out the authentic picture of your desired PGDM College.

For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
                       Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Exploring Your Hidden Talent
1.      Before you opt for full time MBA course from any reputed B-School it is important to know yourself. This is the stepping stone to your career. Knowing yourself would help to improve on certain aspects.

2.      Thumb Rule:
3.      Understanding yourself better:  You need to give time to yourself & do introspection. Knowing yourself in terms of:

4.      Ability you possess

5.      Ability you like to develop

6.      Area of Interest

7.      Strongest skills

8.      Following tools would help identifying your hidden talent

9.      Looking Inward: Dive deep into your personality & identify your core interest, values & skills. Get into a small exercise:

10.  What makes you unique: Analyze what makes you stand out, what is the best thing you cherish about yourself

11.  Accomplishment List:  Work on the small achievements of your past. Read it often, shall give you the way forward

12.  Visualize your future: Visualize your work station, kind of work place you want to work for. This would help you decide the best MBA Placement Business School.

13.  Find out right Career Counselor: Talk to various counselors, ask for the best that  their B-School offers, Placement that they offer, Best placement ever done, Companies that visit for recruitment

14.   Before you get set go for the best MBA course & best placements analyze your hidden talent &

For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
                           Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

How to Succeed in the Job Interview
After completing the PGDM course from AICTE affiliated MBA College a student is definitely on a look out for the best job available. To secure a job one has to undergo an interview. Thus being successful in any interview is a ladder to career development. For success in an interview one should be confident of his abilities, experience & make an impressive start.

Thumb Rule:

1.      Research on the company’s background & its different ventures if any 

2.      Justifying your role  &  your contribution in company’s growth

3.      Working on probable industry related questions

4.      Handling unexpected questions without a frown. 

5.      It is perfect to admit that you do not know the answer instead of assuming or making guesses.

6.      Keep a check on your body language & have a regular eye contact

7.      Addressing the interviewer by his name, shows your confidence & adds to your overall performance

8.      Have a firm handshake

9.      Ability to take interviewer through your CV & how you have progressed over the years

10.  Always do a mock interview in front of mirror. This certainly would boost your confidence.
We wish you a happy & a confident interview….Go ahead turn your dreams into reality.

For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
                       Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Sharpening the Entrepreneurial Skills
Asia-Pacific Institute, an MBA College in Delhi NCR, has been continuously evolving over the years by pursuing and inculcating several innovative ways of teaching, learning and experience-sharing by industry experts. This MBA College firmly believes in making future business leaders.

Inspired and fascinated by novel business opportunities. Institution together with highly motivated students and its trained faculty, remains focused on understanding how novel opportunities can be identified, developed and commercialized. Various offered by the institution are structured to develop student’s passion for innovation & bring out entrepreneur in every student.

India’s entrepreneurial state has flourished rapidly in the past few years. In the Indian market, entrepreneurship-led economic growth is more comprehensive and is sure to act as a crucial catalyst to create employment. Anticipating promising figures and growth  and to keep the entrepreneurial spirit of every student elated  this business school, Asia Pacific started its own E-Cell (Entrepreneur Cell) which aims at paving way for budding business leaders to a much stronger entrepreneurial journey.

 Asia Pacific has tailored its PGDM courses to encourage entrepreneurial skill sets right from day one of graduation. Opportunity evaluation, risk taking, raising and leveraging resources, communications, and sales are survival skills which are conscientiously imbibed through an intensive industry vetted curriculum of institute. Students are given opportunities to practice these skills in the relatively safe and stress-free environment of an academic institute. Primary objective of E-Cell is to train the future mangers in such a way that they look beyond the job & are capable of creating jobs for other by starting their own ventures which will have higher chances of success.

For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
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                       Mob No:-7042893436,7042893445

Monday, 7 December 2015

How to Sharpen your Personality

pgdm collegeAsia-Pacific Institute of Management College an MBA college in Delhi firmly believes in all- round personality development of future business leaders. Personality is the reflection of one’s inherent qualities primarily the pattern of thinking, intelligence, creativity, knowledge and behavior that make a person unique. In short, personality is defined as “First Inside then Outside”.
During 2 years PGDM course faculty also focuses on external personality of a student. Corporate grooming is done like the dressing sense, presentation, smartness & reaction in public. Both the personalities go hand in hand but major being the Inherent qualities that is the qualifying factor for anybody’s overall personality. Good personality is imperative more than good looks.

 Be Yourself: An original is always worth more than a copy. Taking inspiration from others & improvising is better than losing your own identity. 

 Be Confident: Nothing can be more appealing in your personality than an incredible confidence. Do the assigned job dedicatedly & have faith 
 Read often: Well informed & well read people have more ideas & thoughts. Read articles in the newspaper loudly. This helps in communicating fluently. 

 Be a Listener: “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Maintain a direct eye contact and do not get distracted by the surroundings.  

  Prepare a chart that mentions your strengths and weaknesses. Now concentrate on the latter and find ways to improve upon the same. Do not forget to strengthen your strengths.

Go by the thumb rule, nothing can stop you getting the best placement once you have completed your PGDM course. Never stop being creative. Nothing is bigger than the joy of creative satisfaction.

For More  Information :- Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
                       Mob No:-8287454545